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  • Miller's Anesthesia Review, 4/e

    (해외배송 가능상품)
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    기본 정보
    도서명: Miller's Anesthesia Review, 4/e
    정   가: 145,000원
    판매가: 130,500원
    적립금: 3,910원 (3%)
    저   자: Lorraine M Sdrales
    출판사: Elsevier
    ISBN  : 9780443112867
    출판일: 2024.07
    판   형: Softcover
    수량: 수량증가수량감소
    판   수: 4/e
    면   수: 600 page
    해외주문도서: 해외 및 국내 입고 사항에 따라 3~4주 이상 소요될 수 있으며 - 해외주문은 취소 및 반품이 불가능합니다.
    배송방법: 택배
    배송비: 2,500원 (30,000원 이상 구매 시 무료)
    구매안내: 네이버페이로 구매할 수 없는 상품입니다.
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    의학서적전문 "성보의학서적"의 신간의학도서입니다.

    Covering all anesthesia topics from basic to advanced, Miller's Anesthesia Review, 4th Edition, is an ideal resource for self-assessment and deepening your understanding of this ever-expanding and challenging field. Edited by Drs. Lorraine M. Sdrales and Manuel C. Pardo, Jr., this authoritative guide provides high-yield study points in an easy-to-read, bulleted format, along with hundreds of questions, answers, and rationales to help you test your knowledge and identify knowledge gaps for further study. Conveniently cross-referenced to the latest edition of Miller’s Basics of Anesthesia, it covers everything from physiologic and pharmacologic principles through anesthetic machine systems, anesthetic delivery in a variety of settings, and anesthesia administration for a full range of disease states.
    Uses an efficient, bulleted outline format for each chapter, summarizing core content and providing self-test questions and workbook tasks that test your conceptual knowledge and rationale.
    Brings you fully up to date with revised questions throughout, progressing logically from basic to advanced topics.
    Includes selected figures, tables, and clinical pearls boxes to emphasize key concepts.
    Features new chapters that reflect the breadth and scope of the practice of anesthesiology, including Clinician Well-Being, Perioperative Point-of-Care Ultrasound, Environmental Impact of Anesthesia, and Perioperative Medicine.
    Provides up-to-date coverage of hot topics such as anesthesia neurotoxicity, sleep medicine, and more.
    Corresponds to Miller’s Basics of Anesthesia to help you make the most of your study time, learn more efficiently, and pursue further information if needed.
    Ideal for anesthesia providers of all levels, from new learners to more experienced practitioners.
    An eBook version is included with purchase. The eBook includes interactive multiple-choice questions, and allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize your content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud. Any additional digital ancillary content may publish up to 6 weeks following the publication date.



    1. Scope of Anesthesia Practice
    2. Anesthesia Information Systems


    3. Basic Pharmacologic Principles
    4. Clinical Cardiac and Pulmonary Pharmacology
    5. Autonomic Nervous System
    6. Inhaled Anesthetics
    7. Intravenous Anesthetics
    8. Opioids
    9. Local Anesthetics
    10. Neuromuscular Blocking Agents


    11. Anesthesia Neurotoxicity
    12. Preoperative Evaluation and Medication
    13. Choice of Anesthetic Technique
    14. Anesthesia Delivery Systems
    15. Airway Management
    16. Spinal, Epidural, and Caudal Anesthesia
    17. Peripheral Nerve Blocks
    18. Positioning and Associated Risks
    19. Anesthetic Monitoring
    20. Acid-Base Balance and Blood Gas Analysis
    21. Hemostasis
    22. Fluid Management
    23. Blood Therapy


    24. Cardiovascular Disease
    25. Congenital Heart Disease
    26. Chronic Pulmonary Disease and Thoracic Anesthesia
    27. Renal, Liver, and Biliary Tract Disease
    28. Nutritional, Gastrointestinal, and Endocrine Disease
    29. Central Nervous System Disease
    30. Ophthalmology and Otolaryngology
    31. Orthopedics
    32. Obstetrics
    33. Pediatrics
    34. Elderly Patients
    35. Organ Transplantation
    36. Outpatient Surgery
    37. Non-Operating Room Anesthesia Care


    38. Postanesthesia Recovery
    39. Perioperative Pain Management


    40. Critical Care Medicine
    41. Anesthesia for Trauma
    42. Natural and Human-Induced Disasters
    43. Chronic Pain Management
    44. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
    45. Awareness under Anesthesia
    46. Quality and Patient Safety
    47. Palliative Care
    48. Sleep Medicine

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